
Pre Ski Season Conditioning Tips

Try these exercises for a better early ski season.

Legs tend to feel tight, sore, and shaky your first days on the slopes.  Doing the following moves will nix all that.  Add them to your regular strength routine a few weeks before your trip, and even use them as pre-ski warm-ups the day of.

Keep in mind, this is the advanced version that I have my ski team members doing (along with even more extensive exercises).  These exercises are best conducted at a gym, but even the weekend skier can take advantage of the exercise by modifying them slightly.  It’s the best way to ensure you’re up for the rigors of skiing in the early part of the season, thereby reducing your chance of injury and lessening your joint and muscle stress.  The product?  A much happier ski weekend.

BOX JUMP/ stand with feet hip-width apart in front of a box 12 to 24 inches high. Jump onto box, landing with feet flat and knees bent. Jump back to start for 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 20 reps, resting 1 minute between sets.

*Modified version:  Simply step up onto the box instead of jumping.

WALL BALL/ Stand with feet hip-width apart 2 feet from a wall, knees soft, holding a 5- to 10-pound medicine ball. Squat, then stand, throw ball at wall about 5 feet overhead, and catch it for 1 rep. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

*Modified version:  Ditch the medicine ball and do a squat, then stand, jump up with your arms in the air.

ROCK SIT-UP / Lie face up, arms and legs lifted 45 degrees above floor. Keep abs engaged as you rock forward and backward, rolling from shoulders to glutes and back for 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

*Modified version: Grab your knees and rock back and forth.

Long Beach and Signal Hill are ideal places to train for your upcoming ski season.  How can that be, you say?  There is no snow in Long Beach.  But what Long Beach and Signal Hill do have are lots of trails and hills -  Ideal for ski conditioning.  The boardwalk is perfect for ski training, as you can take advantage of walking, running, or jumping the many sets of stairs on the bluff.   Roller blading mimics the action of skiing, and utilizes the same muscle groups, so this is a perfect exercise to condition you for your ski season.  How did Signal Hill get its name? Beats me, but I’d guess it has something to do with the many hills there.  Simply walk or run some of those babies and you’ll be set.  Also, don’t forget to take advantage of the calisthenics interval course they have at the top of the hill.  Enjoy the view, and we’ll see you on the slopes.

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